I designed the first version of WHEELER.CA when the web was young, coding it all with a text editor. Subsequent versions followed, each increasingly refined, and expanded, but generally coded by hand. After a hiatus of a few years, during which the site was offline, I played with ideas for a new site, but nothing seemed to work. The original had grown to quite a few pages covering everything from hobbies to the environment, books and more. Finally, I decided to toss it all and start again with a blank slate, but this time I did it the easy way using a WYSIWYG design application, and limiting the focus of the site to my art.
I hope WHEELER.CA can help me in the development and promotion of my art. I also hope that it can provide you, the visitor, with something pleasant to view and read, along with an opportunity to consider my work.
I have begun this new iteration of WHEELER.CA with the emphasis on photography. In time, I intend to add galleries featuring writing and other art as well. Please check out what is available and come back often. WHEELER.CA is starting small, but will grow as opportunity allows.